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[NBA疯狂英语] 2013-14NBA赛季 里程碑时刻观察

发布时间:2013年08月07日 12:12 | 进入体育论坛 | 来源:CNTV | 手机看新闻

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      对于这名已经在联盟征战了18年,叱咤一时的球员来说,里程碑的到来似乎近在咫尺了。加内特还需命中363球就能超过摩西-马龙,乔治-格文,丹-伊塞尔以及约翰-哈弗里切克,在NBA历史进球榜上排名第11。下赛季再出场58分钟,KG就将超越威尔特-张伯伦,排在摩西-马龙,埃尔文-海耶斯,贾森-基德,卡尔-马龙和贾巴尔之后,达成出场时间历史第6。而再摘下399个篮板,他在篮板榜将排在第9,再送出30个火锅后,加内特的生涯盖帽数则将达到2000。只要保持健康,加内特将会稳稳拿到这四个辉煌的里程碑,而在不久之后他的里程碑列表里还会增添一个新的荣誉— —名人堂(Hall-of-fame)成员。

        It’s easy to understand how one of the most dominant players in the league for the past 18 seasons is on the verge of multiple milestones. He needs 363 field goals to pass Moses Malone, George Gervin, Dan Issel, and John Havlicek for 11th all time. After playing 58 minutes next season, he will pass Wilt Chamberlain for sixth all time to join the elite company of Moses Malone, Elvin Hayes, Jason Kidd, Karl Malone, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Then he’ll also need 399 rebounds to reach ninth all time and 30 blocks to reach 2,000 for his career. All four of these milestones are attainable if he stays healthy and soon he’ll be able to add Hall-of-Fame inductee to his list of milestones.


☆dominant    adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n. 显性;例句:Every ten years or so, a new dominant platform emerges to elevate    computing to another level. 每十年左右就出现了新的优势平台,将计算能力提高到另一个层次。

☆attainable   adj. 可以达到的;可以获得的;例句:Returns of 300%+ should be easily attainable in the right conditions but do not give it back when the market conditions change. 300%+的回报是容易可达到的在对的情况下,但是不要把这些都还回去在市场情况改变的时候。

☆on the verge of 接近于…;在…的边缘;We read yesterday about a hospital in Athens – on the verge of bankruptcy, of course – with 35 gardeners on its staff. 昨天我们读了在雅典的一家医院,接近于破产,当然全体职员中有35个园丁。

☆Hall-of-fame  (体育等各界的)名人纪念馆。


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