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帕克NBA排名第七 被评为最被低估的球员

发布时间:2013年06月28日 14:42 | 进入体育论坛 | 来源:CNTV | 手机看视频

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      帕克今年位列第7,而去年只排到16位,一位专家写道“No surprise Duncan and Parker in the Top 10 in #NBARank. Real surprise is they were 16 and 27 respectively last season.(邓肯和帕克今年在NBA Rank里排名前十并不新奇,但令人吃惊的是他们去年的排名分别是16和 27。) ”

      专家Mahmoud Ahmed提出“Shooting above 52% from the floor 83% from the line & only 1.4 turnovers for every 7.5 asists Tony Parker earned his top 10 spot in #NBARank.(托尼-帕克凭借个人成绩排进NBA Rank前十:投篮命中率52%以上/罚球命中率83%以上/每7.5次助攻送出1.4次失误。)”

      Josiah Johnson 把帕克放在自己心目中的第五名,“Tony Parker at 7 feels too low for a player who went one-on-one against Chris Paul and came out on top. Top 5 in my mind #NBARank(对于能够和保罗单挑还不占下风的帕克来说,第七位的排名让人觉得有点低了)。”

      Petar Serafimovski 认为“Parker is one of the most underrated players in the NBA, and one of the best non-Americans to ever play the game. #NBARank(帕克是NBA里最被低估的球员之一,也是非美国人中最出色的球员之一。)”

      Adam Short说帕克令人不可思议“Tony Parker's 6'2" in shoes and is shooting over 50% from the field in the NBA.I'm not sure how that's possible.#NBARank(托尼-帕克穿6尺2的鞋,却在NBA里保持着50%以上的命中率。我实在不清楚这怎么可能。)”



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